Christmas break.
What a fun 6days it was being able to spend time with Kevin! His schedule
is always so busy, it's hard to find time to relax and spend time together
7 years ago
Yes, I went finally to Beijing.
Quite frankly it's a shame that I've been in China so long and haven't made the trip. When i got back from Japan I still had more than two weeks of vacation left. Spur of the moment decision on the 14th. I was on a train that night.
Two things come to mind when I think of Beijing:
1) Expensive.
2) Music.
I'll put pictures up later, along with a more informative - but not too imformative - post.
It's always a bummer when vacations come to an end. I go to work on Wednesday. classes start the following Monday. I'll be ready when the time comes.